Is it "uncurable" or "incurable"?
Either way it's unbearable and intolerable. Cancer is all Matt and I can think about. I was texting with my brother today about Matt's brother. It's weird that our brothers have this in common now. What a shitty thing to be able to relate to. Its like you win a prize for being stage IV, only winners get diagnosed stage IV on their first try.
My brother said "What a shitty awful sneaky disease. Cancer doesn't fight very fair. By the time we knew about our conditions it's already too far spread. Fucking terrible."
My brother, stage IV, feels bad for someone else that is stage IV. I'd like to think I'd be so kind. I'm not so sure.
If I was going through chemo, I'd be the whiniest asshole. I'd wish everyone else would have to go through it. There is no way I'd have sympathy for anyone going through anything else.
"Oh you're stage II? Cute"
"Oh poor thing you have pneumonia? That's adorable"
"Stroke? That's hysterical"
Basically I would use cancer as an excuse to be an even bigger jerk than I already am. Because let's face it, if I'm suffering from headaches/cramps/vertigo/stubbed toe/corn in my teeth/boogers/heartburn, everyone suffers.
I'm constantly amazed at how pleasant my brother and brother-in-law still are, in spite of their disgusting poison treatment.
They are losing weight and white blood cells and they still are able to make jokes. They amaze me.
If I ever get diagnosed with cancer, please unfriend me, because I promise, I will make everyone around me miserable and enjoy every minute of it.
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