Sunday, May 10, 2015

Living things that I care about

I think we should create a Strong Women's Day, where every woman feels supported and can support those around us.  I am all for changing Mother's Day to this.  I think  it is important for women to feel appreciated.  What I also think is a good thing, is saying "thanks" to your mom or step mom today, because being a mom is hard work.  Now if you aren't a mom, no problem, this day isn't about you.  No worries, not every day has to be about you, so please stop posting shit like this:

Mother's Day isn't a day to say "Hey world, check me out", Mother's Day is a day to say "Look at all of these badass moms that I'm surrounded by, you all are doing a great job!"

I get it, women that don't/can't have kids, maybe you want them, and you can't.  I know how that feels, I wanted more and I can't.  I'm very lucky to have one kid, and I know you may feel that Mother's day is a slap in the face.  Don't.  Not everything is about you, and not everything is meant to offend  you.  Mother's Day is a day to say thank you to moms.

Now, I am a pet owner, and I am a daughter of a pet owner, and a sister of a pet owner, and a neighbor to a pet owner, and I can tell you that on the list of living things that I care about, my dogs are just above my hydrangea and my neighbor's goldfish.
 I care about other people's kids, more than I care about my dogs.  I don't think that makes me a bad pet owner, I think that makes me a decent human being.

If you aren't a mom, but you have a mom, say thank  you.  If you aren't a mom and you don't have a mom, say thank you to your gradma or aunt or neighbor or nice lady at work that brought you cookies.

I liken this to white people complaining during Black History Month.  Newsflash, not every day of the entire fucking year is meant to celebrate you.  And that is ok, now get a grip and thank a mom today.  And if you are a strong bomb ass female that doesn't have kids, good for you, I celebrate you today and every day, because we all are strong amazing beings.  Now I'm going to say thank you to my mom and my sister and my best frans and my facebook and real life friends and everybody that is a mom to a human being. Namaste.

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