Friday, November 3, 2017

My grief is griefier than your grief.

Have you ever met some ridiculously jerky child and thought to yourself "there is no way that kid's parents love him just as much as I love my daughter". But in reality, that jerk of a child is loved deep down to his being, just as much as I love my kid. I mean, look at her, she's the best!

I keep feeling this way when someone tells me that they have lost their brother to cancer too.  I think to myself "well, there is just no way that you love your brother as much as I loved mine." I have a hard time believing that. I mean look at us, we are the best! 
My cousin had a similar exchange when she told people at work that she was going to drive from Pennsylvania to Nebraska for her cousin's funeral. Her coworkers seemed to think she was insane to go through this for a cousin. Her response was "well, he wasn't my cousin like your cousins are to you, he was my cousin and and pretty much my brother." 
Obviously we all feel we have a much better connection to those we lose, than anyone else in the history of forever has ever had to anyone. My grief is griefier than your grief.

I have been trying hard to not steal my husband's dead brother thunder. 

His brother died 2 years ago, and it sucks. It sucks to lose one family member to cancer, but you know what sucks worse that that?! losing two. Both of our brothers, 100% of them, have died too young. 

Ever seen these pictures that say 'when I was a kid, we didn't come home until the street lamps came on, and we drank water from the hose, and all that other BS, And look at us, we turned out just fine'? 
Newsflash, we didn't.

Check out this somber news hereWhile overall rates of colorectal cancer have been falling dramatically since the mid-80s, there has been a steady uptick of incidents in people younger than 50. You can't swing a dead cat around my circle of friends without knowing someone that has lost a close friend or family member to cancer too young.

These social media posts make me irrationally angry. Listen here folks, our society works incessantly to improve. We as people should be working to improve, every day. Let's not go back to the dark ages.

Things we didn't used to know:
  • heartburn can cause cancer
  • race isn't biological
  • a camera up your butt can save your life
  • infants need to sleep on their backs/tummies/whatever is popular now
  • breast milk is best
  • car seats should be rear facing
  • water shouldn't contain lead (actually we always knew this one)
  • carbs are bad 
  • calories are bad (remember Snackwells? cotton candy is fat free too, but it doesn't mean it is good for you)
  • abandoned refrigerators are not as popular as GI Joe made me think
  • bike helmets are necessary
  • cigarettes are bad
  • quicksand isn't common
  • coconut oil is magical (Pinterest keeps trying to make me believe this, but I still don't buy into it)
  • Heman was gay
I'm having a rough go of this grieving thing. Most days I'm freaking fantastic. But today is not one of those days. Get your guts and your butts checked.
Namaste and Fuck Cancer.