For those of you that may have never experienced an act of true love, I truly am sorry. Matt and I have been together for 14 years and married for almost 11.
After you've been married, and living together, and have a child together sometimes things can get stagnant. You don't care about farting, or puking, or having breath that smells like the bowels of satan. Poor Matt has seen me at my worst, I've had an 8 pound baby pushed out of my hoo hah, and he was front and center for that. I've breast fed said baby, and had National Geographic sized boobs, in all of their breast feeding awfulness.
We've suffered through a lot together in the past two years. We've dealt with deployment, PTSD, cancer times two, and unemployment, but last night was truly a time that I was so very grateful to have him in my life.
I graciously accepted a head cold, from him, last week, and at 12:37am I got out of bed to get some NyQuil. I was going downstairs, in the dark, barefoot and in underwear.
I stepped in puppy poop that had been strategically littered on several of the stairs. The poop squished between my toes and stayed there in a cold brick. I stopped, frozen on the steps, because I had no idea if there were more land mines that our new puppy had placed. (Let us take a step back to realize, just how tricky a feat like this is, for a puppy. She had to balance herself on not one step, but four, in order to poo all over them.) So I cried out for help. I immediately began to laugh, and yelp for Matt to come help. I was standing in the dark, in my underwear, with shit lodged between my toes and laughing like a crazy person. I began laughing so much that I was in tears. Matt came running, obviously thinking I was hurt. He immediately rushed to the rescue, turning on a light, and grabbing paper towels. He began cleaning my toes as I stood crying in laughter on one foot, like some sort of loopy flamingo. He then helped me upstairs, into the tub, where I could clean puppy shit from between my toes. I stayed in there scrubbing for way too long, but by the time I had come out, he had cleaned up all of the rest of the turds, and scrubbed the carpet. I eventually stopped cry/laughing or craughing, and we then climbed back in bed and finished the awful movie we were watching, and I fell asleep in a NyQuil induced coma that was much earned.
Someone that can leap from bed to pluck turds from between my toes, while I was half naked, truly must love me. Its a nice reminder after having gone through so much this past year, that in all of its awfulness, love finds a way to remind you... Even puppy poop cannot ruin a night.